If you’re planning to move to Panama either temporarily or permanently, try to learn as much as you can about the application process. Mata & Pitti is a law firm experienced in helping people gain Panama residency through various visa programs. Here is some information about applying for Panama residency to help you move through the process more smoothly:

Multiple Programs for Panama Residency

If you’re looking to establish permanent residency in Panama, there are several visa programs to choose from. The government of Panama has developed the following programs for potential residents:

  • Qualified Investor Visa
  • Self-Economic Solvency Visa
  • Friendly Nations Visa
  • Pensioner Visa
  • Panama Italy Treaty Visa

No matter which visa option you choose, all applications must be processed by a law firm or attorney in Panama. Mata & Pitti Attorneys at Law is an experienced firm specializing in Panama residency requirements that can help you navigate this complex process.

General Requirements for Residency Approval

Some application conditions are the same no matter which visa you apply for. One of them is that individuals must be at least 18 years of age to apply. Anyone under 18 can qualify as a dependent if their parent applies for the visa.

All documents provided for the application must be no older than three months. Passports must have at least one year left before expiration. If you are married, you must provide proof of your marriage certificate. If you are bringing children to Panama, you must include each child’s birth certificate in the application.

Any documents you bring from another country must be notarized. A Panamanian consulate also needs to certify the foreign documents. Receiving a health certificate and HIV test within Panama is also part of the application process. At Mata & Pitti, we can help you gather and present all required documents for approval in the program of your choice.

Unique Features of Visas for Residency

Review the requirements for the various Panama residency visa programs to determine which you qualify for. Investment visas have different dollar amount requirements. The Self-Economic Solvency Visa has a minimum investment of $300,000. The Panama Friendly Nations Visa has the minimum requirement of a $200,000 investment. With an investment visa, you can choose to invest in real estate directly or through a promise to purchase in the future. You can also invest with a broker-dealer or through a fixed-term deposit at a local financial institution. These investments must be verified and held for the required period of time outlined in the application.

The Qualified Investor Visa doesn’t require you to be physically present in Panama to file your application. A law firm like ours can take care of filing it on your behalf. Once we present the documents, the visa request must be processed within 30 days. This makes it the most expedited of the Panama residency visa programs.

Most of the Panama visa programs allow you to apply for citizenship after living in Panama for five years under permanent residency. The Self-Economic Solvency Visa and Panama Friendly Nations Visa require you to have temporary residency for two years before obtaining permanent residency.

Get Help Applying for Residency in Panama

Our legal team at Mata & Pitti can help you identify and obtain the correct documentation for your Panama residency application. We understand the requirements for each type of visa and stay up to date on any changes in the programs to prevent application delays and rejections. Contact us with any application questions or to learn how to get started on your visa today.